Aim: The aim of the project is to develop a such a system, which supplies the water to the field according to pre entered upper and lower limit of the environmental conditions. Here the system controls according to the entered moisture limits.
Functional block diagram:
Functional Description:
Here the upper and lower limits of the moisture can be entered through the matrix keyboard, and also the type of water supply like drop-by-drop or continuous. Once the parameters are entered they are stored in the permanent memory i.e. serial EEPROM 24c32.
Then the system will convert the analog voltage to digital with the help of ADC 0809, and it will compare the present temperature with the upper limit, if it matches then it will switch ON the water valve to supply, and while supplying the water, it will be checking continuously the moisture, if the moisture falls bellow the entered lower limit, suddenly the controller switches off the valve to stop supply the water.
Hardware Required:
MC 89c51
Relay & driver
Semiconductors & others
A.C. valve